
Finding you the Financing for that next big step

Financing Needs of Businesses

Business owners often face financing problems. Funds are needed for many reasons including:

  • Acquisitions
  • Expansions
  • Modernizing plant and equipment
  • Providing working capital
  • Supply chain fulfillment 

Financing Resources for Businesses

With our expertise, we also help business owners find the resources to finance their needs with:

  • Lines of credit
  • Equipment financing 
  • Leasing
  • Facilitating banking relationships and communication
  • Factoring and purchase order financing.

How Miller Advisory Services Helps Businesses with Financing

We have relationships with more than 150 groups looking to acquire, take either majority or minority stakes in, provide mezzanine financing, or otherwise invest in companies. 

We help you identify the type of funder who could provide the lending, leasing, or other arrangements that best fit your needs. We not only consider terms, but also the source’s grasp of your business and industry as well as the financiers’ willingness to stay the course with you through good and bad times.  

We also offer assistance with plans or reorganization, debt analysis, management buyouts, lender and creditor negotiations, debt recapitalizations, and minority equity-led recapitalizations.

Contact us today to discuss your possibilities.



(630) 904-1600


i[email protected]


1807 South Washington St
Suite 110
Naperville, IL, 60565